The Covid 19 will not prevent education

There are 2.5 million students in Israel, 350,000 of whom do not own computers. How to enable young people to study while the pandemic is raging? The FSJU Israel is trying to answer this difficult equation … March 2020: schools close. The education system is shifting into a new millennium. That of distance education. No […]
A nice room for Talpiot’s children

Working on all fronts to promote the reintegration of at-risk youth, the FSJU supports the Hadera children’s village of the “Talpiot Community for its children” association. Spotlight on this community unlike any other … They come from all over the southern region, they are 5, 12 or 15 years old, alone or with siblings. Their […]
תוכנית חירום למניעת נשירה מהלימודים בעקבות מגיפת הקורונה בישראל ישנם 2.5 מיליון סטודנטים, 350,000 מהם אינם בעלי מחשבים וציוד טכנולוגי המאפשר למידה מקוונת. כיצד ניתן לאפשר לצעירים ללמוד בזמן שהמגפה משתוללת? FSJU ישראל מנסה לתת תשובה לשאלה מורכבת זו. מערכת החינוך נכנסת לאלף חדש, לעידן החינוך מרחוקמשפחות רבות נפגעות קשות ממגיפת הקורונה במובן הכלכלי, אך אסור לנו להתעלם מהפגיעה הקשה שהמגיפה גורמת […]
COVID-19: Two months of action by the FSJU

Francophone theater school in Israel The FSJU Israel, which this summer funded the activities of an emergency center for children placed by social services through a partnership with the association REUT, is preparing a nice surprise for these children for the first term of school; The educational and medical teams explained to Myriam Fedida, who visited them this summer, […]
Emergency Kaytana from Talpiot Village

The Talpiot Children’s Village in Hadera is a home for endangered children placed by the social services that we have been supporting for two years; the teams provided an Emergency vacation center this summer.
Latet Organization – Emergency Response for elderly in need

With the support of FSJU Israel, the organization Latet helps the elderly

An unforgettable trip

Emotion, discovery, enthusiasm, all the ingredients needed for a timeless moment, came together to turn this trip into an unforgettable experience. Between a visit to the old city of Jerusalem and before a conference with the artist Kichka at the Crown Plaza Hotel, we had the privilege of meetings a few of the participants. They […]
Communauté Nouvelle n212